
mybatis updatebatch事务处理

MyBatis does not directly support batch updates with transactions. However, you can achieve batch updates with transactions by managing the transactions manually in your code.

Here is a general outline of how you can achieve batch updates with transactions in MyBatis:

  1. Start a transaction: Begin a transaction before executing the batch updates.

  2. Execute batch updates: Use a loop to iterate through the list of objects to be updated and call the update method for each object.

  3. Commit or rollback transaction: Depending on the outcome of the batch updates, commit the transaction if all updates are successful, or rollback the transaction if any update fails.

Here is a simplified example in Java:

SqlSession sqlSession = sqlSessionFactory.openSession();
try {
    // Start transaction

    List objectsToUpdate = // Retrieve list of objects to update

    for (Object obj : objectsToUpdate) {
        sqlSession.update("updateMethod", obj);

    // Commit transaction
} catch (Exception e) {
    // Rollback transaction
} finally {

In the example above, updateMethod is the method in your MyBatis mapper interface that performs the update operation. You can customize this example according to your specific requirements and use case.

It’s important to properly handle exceptions, commit, and rollback operations to ensure data consistency and integrity when performing batch updates with transactions in MyBatis.

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