
android linearlayoutmanager

LinearLayoutManager is a type of layout manager in Android that is used to arrange items in a linear vertical or horizontal orientation. It is commonly used with RecyclerView to display a list of items in a linear arrangement.

LinearLayoutManager provides options to specify the orientation of the layout (vertical or horizontal), set the reverse layout (to display items in reverse order), and set the layout direction (LTR or RTL).

To use LinearLayoutManager in your Android app, you can create an instance of it and set it as the layout manager for your RecyclerView like this:

RecyclerView recyclerView = findViewById(R.id.recyclerView);
LinearLayoutManager layoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(this);

You can also customize the behavior of the LinearLayoutManager by using its methods like setOrientation(), setReverseLayout(), and setStackFromEnd().LinearLayoutManager is a versatile layout manager that offers a lot of flexibility in arranging items in a list.

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