使用 notify-send
是一个用于发送桌面通知的命令行工具。首先,你需要确保 notify-send
sudo apt install notify-send
安装完成后,你可以使用 notify-send
notify-send "Dinner ready!"
你可以通过 man notify-send
使用 remind
是一个简单的命令行工具,用于在指定的时间发送通知。首先,你需要将 remind
函数添加到你的 .bashrc
echo ' function remind () { local COUNT"$#" local COMMAND="$1" local MESSAGE="$2" local OP="$3" shift 3 local WHEN="$@" # Display help if no parameters or help command if [[ COUNT -eq 0 "COMMAND" "help" "COMMAND" "--help" "COMMAND" "-h" ]]; then echo "COMMAND" echo "remind" echo "remind" echo echo "DESCRIPTION" echo "Displays notification at specified time" echo echo "EXAMPLES" echo 'remind "Hi there" now' echo 'remind "Time to wake up" in 5 minutes' echo 'remind "Dinner" in 1 hour' echo 'remind "Take a break" at noon' echo 'remind "Are you ready?" at 13:00' echo 'remind list' echo 'remind clear' echo 'remind help' echo return fi # Check presence of AT command if ! which at /dev/null; then echo "remind: AT utility is required but not installed on your system. Install it with your package manager of choice, for example 'sudo apt install at'." return fi # Run commands: list, clear if [[ COUNT -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ "COMMAND" "list" ]]; then at -l elif [[ "COMMAND" "clear" ]]; then at -r $(atq cut -f1) else echo "remind: unknown command COMMAND. Type 'remind' without any parameters to see syntax." fi return fi # Determine time of notification if [[ "OP" "in" ]]; then local TIME="$NOW" WHEN="$WHEN" elif [[ "OP" "at" ]]; then local TIME="$TI" fi # Schedule notification case "$OP" in in) # Add code to schedule notification in the future ;; at) # Add code to schedule notification at the specified time ;; *) echo "remind: unknown operation OP. Type 'remind' with -in or -at option." return ;; esac } ' >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc
然后,你可以使用 remind
remind "I'm still here" now remind "Time to wake up!" in 5 minutes remind "Dinner" in 1 hour remind "Take a break" at noon remind "It's Friday pints time!" at 17:00。