安装NetCDF-Fortran库: 你可以使用一个bash脚本来下载和安装NetCDF-Fortran库及其依赖项。以下是脚本的内容和使用方法:
#!/bin/sh ## install_netcdf.sh ## Copyright (C) 2018 Daniel Santiago
## Distributed under terms of the GNU/GPL license. set -e ## Installation of NetCDF4 Fortran libraries ## Purpose: ## This script gets the given versions of the NetCD4 libraries and its dependencies and installs them in the MAINDIR=/usr/local/netcdf/ directory ## Usage: ## [sudo] CC=gcc FC=gfortran MAINDIR=/usr/local/netcdf ./install_netcdf.sh ## Autor: ## Daniel Santiago ## github/dspelaez ## define compilers CC=${CC:-gcc} FC=${FC:-gfortran} F90=${FC} F77=${FC} ## main directory MAINDIR=${MAINDIR:-/usr/local/netcdf} ## version of libs CLTAG="7.61.0" ZLTAG="1.2.10" H5TAG="1.10.1" NCTAG="4.6.1" NFTAG="4.4.4" ## download source code of dependencies wget -nc -nv --no-check-certificate https://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-$CLTAG.tar.gz wget -nc -nv https://zlib.net/fossils/zlib-$ZLTAG.tar.gz wget -nc -nv ftp://ftp.unidata.ucar.edu/pub/hdf5/releases/hdf5-$H5TAG/src/hdf5-$H5TAG.tar wget -nc -nv ftp://ftp.unidata.ucar.edu/pub/netcdf/netcdf-$NCTAG.tar.gz wget -nc -nv ftp://ftp.unidata.ucar.edu/pub/netcdf/netcdf-fortran-$NFTAG.tar.gz ## create config.log touch config.log tar -xf curl-$CLTAG.tar.gz cd curl-$CLTAG CLDIR=$MAINDIR echo " --->> Compiling curl-$CLTAG" ./configure --prefix=${CLDIR} > config.log 2>&1 make -j4 > config.log 2>&1 make install > config.log 2>&1 cd .. rm -rf curl-$CLTAG tar -xf zlib-$ZLTAG.tar.gz cd zlib-$ZLTAG ZDIR=$MAINDIR echo " --->> Compiling zlib-$ZLTAG" ./configure --prefix=${ZDIR} > config.log 2>&1 make -j4 > config.log 2>&1 make install > config.log 2>&1 cd .. rm -rf zlib-$ZLTAG tar -xf hdf5-$H5TAG.tar cd hdf5-$H5TAG H5DIR=$MAINDIR echo " --->> Compiling hdf5-$H5TAG" ./configure --prefix=${H5DIR} > config.log 2>&1 make -j4 > config.log 2>&1 make install > config.log 2>&1 cd .. rm -rf hdf5-$H5TAG tar -xf netcdf-$NCTAG.tar.gz cd netcdf-$NCTAG NCDIR=$MAINDIR echo " --->> Compiling netcdf-$NCTAG" ./configure --prefix=${NCDIR} > config.log 2>&1 make -j4 > config.log 2>&1 make install > config.log 2>&1 cd .. rm -rf netcdf-$NCTAG tar -xf netcdf-fortran-$NFTAG.tar.gz cd netcdf-fortran-$NFTAG NFDIR=$MAINDIR echo " --->> Compiling netcdf-fortran-$NFTAG" ./configure --prefix=${NFDIR} > config.log 2>&1 make -j4 > config.log 2>&1 make install > config.log 2>&1 cd .. rm -rf netcdf-fortran-$NFTAG 使用该脚本之前,请确保你已经安装了必要的编译器(如
),并且设置了正确的编译器和安装路径。 -
安装Intel Fortran编译器: 如果你需要安装Intel Fortran编译器,可以参考Intel官方文档中的步骤。虽然这些步骤是针对Intel Fortran Composer XE的,但它们也可以提供一些有用的参考:
- 下载并解压Intel Fortran Composer XE安装包。
- 运行安装脚本并按照提示进行安装。
安装OpenCoarrays: OpenCoarrays是一个用于Fortran的并行计算库,可以用于Co-Array编程。以下是安装步骤:
- 安装必要的依赖项(如CMake、Make、GFortran、C编译器等)。
- 克隆OpenCoarrays仓库并进入目录。
- 运行
cmake ..
和sudo make install