在 C++ 中,可以使用标准库中的 std::string
- 相等运算符
#include#include int main() { std::string str1 = "Hello"; std::string str2 = "Hello"; std::string str3 = "World"; if (str1 == str2) { std::cout << "str1 and str2 are equal."<< std::endl; } if (str1 != str3) { std::cout << "str1 and str3 are not equal."<< std::endl; } return 0; }
- 不等运算符
if (str1 != str3) { std::cout << "str1 and str3 are not equal."<< std::endl; }
- 比较运算符
:这些运算符用于按照字典顺序(也称为 lexicographic order)比较字符串。字符串按照字符的 ASCII 值进行比较。
#include#include int main() { std::string str1 = "apple"; std::string str2 = "banana"; if (str1 < str2) { std::cout << "str1 is lexicographically less than str2."<< std::endl; } if (str1 <= str2) { std::cout << "str1 is lexicographically less than or equal to str2."<< std::endl; } if (str2 > str1) { std::cout << "str2 is lexicographically greater than str1."<< std::endl; } if (str2 >= str1) { std::cout << "str2 is lexicographically greater than or equal to str1."<< std::endl; } return 0; }
请注意,这些比较运算符的行为与整数和浮点数的比较运算符相似。你可以根据需要使用这些运算符来比较 std::string