
openstack trove api

OpenStack Trove is a database as a service (DBaaS) project in the OpenStack ecosystem. It provides a RESTful API for managing and provisioning database instances and clusters.

The Trove API allows users to perform various operations such as creating, deleting, and managing database instances, databases, and users. It also provides functionality for backup and restore operations, as well as managing database configurations.

To interact with the Trove API, you can use any HTTP client tool or libraries that support RESTful APIs. The API endpoints typically follow the pattern: http:///v1.0/.

Here are some examples of the Trove API endpoints:

  • /v1.0/instances: This endpoint is used to create, list, or delete database instances.

  • /v1.0/databases: This endpoint allows you to create, list, or delete databases within a database instance.

  • /v1.0/users: This endpoint is used to create, list, or delete database users within a database instance.

  • /v1.0/configurations: This endpoint allows you to create, list, or delete database configurations.

You can authenticate and authorize API requests using the OpenStack Keystone authentication service. Once authenticated, you can interact with the Trove API by sending HTTP requests to the appropriate endpoints, including the necessary headers and authentication tokens.

For more details on the Trove API and its usage, you can refer to the official OpenStack Trove documentation: https://docs.openstack.org/trove/latest/

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