- 遍历记录,找到要删除的记录的位置或标识符。
- 如果找到了要删除的记录,将其从记录数组中移除。
- 将后面的记录依次向前移动,以填补删除记录的空位。
#include#define MAX_RECORDS 100 typedef struct { int id; char name[50]; int age; } Record; Record records[MAX_RECORDS]; int numRecords = 0; void deleteRecord(int id) { int i, found = 0; for (i = 0; i < numRecords; i++) { if (records[i].id == id) { found = 1; break; } } if (found) { for (int j = i; j < numRecords - 1; j++) { records[j] = records[j + 1]; } numRecords--; printf("Record with ID %d deleted successfully.\n", id); } else { printf("Record with ID %d not found.\n", id); } } int main() { // Populate records array with sample data // (This step can be skipped if you already have records filled) // Delete record with ID 2 deleteRecord(2); return 0; }