
GO HTMLEscape的用法是什么

The HTMLEscape function is used to escape special characters in a given string so that they can be safely displayed in HTML. It is commonly used to prevent HTML injection and to ensure that user-generated content is properly rendered.

The function replaces the special characters with their corresponding HTML entities. For example, the less-than symbol “<” is replaced with “<”, the greater-than symbol “>” is replaced with “>”, and the ampersand symbol “&” is replaced with “&”.

Here is an example usage of the HTMLEscape function in Go:

package main

import (

func main() {
	str := ""
	escapedStr := html.EscapeString(str)


In the above example, the html.EscapeString() function is used to escape the special characters in the given string "". The result is then printed, showing the escaped version of the string that can be safely displayed in HTML without executing any scripts.

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