
openstack tempest

OpenStack Tempest is a testing framework for OpenStack cloud services. It provides a set of functional and integration tests to ensure the quality and reliability of OpenStack deployments.

Tempest includes a wide range of tests that cover various aspects of OpenStack, such as compute, networking, identity, storage, and more. These tests can be executed against a running OpenStack cloud to validate its behavior and functionality.

The framework is designed to be extensible and customizable, allowing users to add their own tests or modify existing ones to suit their specific requirements. It also supports test categorization and parallel execution, which helps in optimizing testing time and resources.

Tempest can be used by OpenStack developers, operators, and users to validate their OpenStack deployments and ensure they adhere to the OpenStack API and behavior standards. It can also be integrated with continuous integration (CI) systems for automated testing.

To get started with OpenStack Tempest, you can refer to the official documentation and follow the installation and configuration instructions. You can also explore the existing test cases and customize them as per your needs.

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