- 格式化字符串:使用字符串的format()方法来动态插入变量值到字符串中。例如:
name = "Alice" age = 25 sentence = "My name is {} and I am {} years old.".format(name, age) print(sentence)
- 多行字符串:使用三重引号(‘’’ 或 “”")来创建多行字符串。这样可以轻松地包含多行文本,并保留原始的格式。例如:
multiline_str = ''' This is a multiline string ''' print(multiline_str)
- 字符串拆分和连接:使用split()方法来拆分字符串为一个列表,使用join()方法来连接列表为一个字符串。例如:
sentence = "Hello, world!" words = sentence.split() new_sentence = " ".join(words) print(new_sentence)
- 替换子字符串:使用replace()方法来替换字符串中的子字符串。例如:
sentence = "Hello, world!" new_sentence = sentence.replace("Hello", "Hi") print(new_sentence)
- 字符串切片:使用切片操作来访问字符串的子串。例如:
sentence = "Hello, world!" substring = sentence[7:12] print(substring)
- 字符串格式化:使用字符串的格式化操作符(%)来格式化字符串。例如:
name = "Alice" age = 25 sentence = "My name is %s and I am %d years old." % (name, age) print(sentence)